“Keep Britain Great not a European State!”
-Democracy is Dead!
With the ratification of the Lisbon treaty and Cameron’s U turn on a referendum this is truly a bleak day in the History of Great Britain. Only days before we humbly look back on remembrance day we have disgraced the memory of all those that sacrificed so much in countless wars to keep Britain independent and free from tyranny. We condemn the action of one drunken youth who urinates on wreaths of poppy’s on a memorial, yet we sit idly by while our entire political system urinates on the sacrifice and memory of countless men and woman whom laid down their lives for our independence.
The New World order is finally here, if there was ever any doubt. We are now governed by the boys club out of Brussels. To this, our possible future prime minister says he can do nothing about it because with the ratification it has now become law, our rights of Independence and self governance are on the pyre reduced to embers with the thousands of shoddily made Guys that will burn over the coming days, the irony.
What kind of sorry state is our nation in when the so called power castrated possible future leader of our once great nation says he can not give his own people the right to decide their own fate by means of a referendum.
We now see what our Democracy is, for many this will be the first time, maybe the first realisation. We have been living in a house of smoke and mirrors believing that we are free and have the power to vote in leaders that will follow our will. Well the Truth Outs! Our democracy is nothing but a hoax of gigantic proportion.
Let’s face it for nearly a century now the only choice of governance has been one of two major parties and we have all been duped thinking that this system gives us freedom. But the truth is, that’s only one more choice that you get in a dictatorship and no choice at all when both parties sing from the same hymn sheet.
It wont be long before we see Europe wide taxes on energy consumption that will destroy jobs and hit the poorest in order to stop the fabrication that is man-made global warming, justified by their politically corrupt Useless Nation's IPCC call to arms that the world will end if we don’t stop pumping C02 into the atmosphere. Y2K all over again but with extra bull. Coincidentally among the hours upon hours of global warming terror we see on the news has anyone seen a piece stating that 32,000 scientist including over 9,000 PhD’s have signed a petition stating that man made influence on global warming is negligible? I thought not.
We have but two choices we can live with this affront to our will as a people and see our freedoms and liberty be endlessly restricted until George Orwell’s 1984 becomes a reality or we can make our voices heard. There was a million people marched through the streets of London in protest against the war in Iraq. How many will it take to reverse the rot in our nation to put the Great back into Britain to make our voices heard? No amount is too many because if we don’t do it now we will lose our freedom for ever. Now is the time to say no more! Enough is enough we are an Island nation with a proud a rich history and that is the way we wish to stay, working together with our European neighbours but not ruled by them. We tried that before in the 1940’s and guess what we didn’t like it. “Keep Britain Great not a European State!”
By Wade Harlaine(c)2009,
Republication allowed with accreditation to the Author and a working link to the following source http://101realglobalwarmingfacts.blogspot.com/
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